Spiritual Highway

I find the glory of all creation is spiritual a loving gift from God, from the stars that grace our heavens, to the oceans that are home to teeming sea life, to wildernesses rich with animal life. Not only is creation spiritual, but our journey through life is spiritual growing up at home, progressing our way through the school system, developing families and relationships, navigating the career waters, and dealing with all obstacles and detours that get in the way. 

All of this and more is spiritual. Without question, creation is all in process, unfolding with each tick of the clock, moving onward relentlessly to a wondrous conclusion of purpose and fulfillment all to the delight of a joyful divine author.

I have learned that life is less a duality between good and bad and more clinging to what was imagined, but never was, pursuing the future through a telescope with no peripheral vision, and failing to live in the present. I have also learned that pain and suffering our merely scattered debris cast adrift on a sea of wonder and amazement. Let’s spontaneously explore the now and discover a brilliant kaleidoscope of awe and majesty. Our Creator gives us a heart to love and free will to choose, so we can celebrate the freedoms and blessings He has bestowed upon us. As we embrace our spirituality, we unite with creation, its unfolding progress, its ultimate conclusion, and the Creator Himself.

I  dedicate this site to our life-long journey of living a spiritual life through the good times and the hard. It is an exciting journey with twists and turns and endless discovery. Sometimes traveling this journey is difficult and painful, and it takes faith and courage to continue on the highway. Sometimes the GPS fails us and our way becomes uncertain. It is times like these that we need to trust in God that he will send us the Holy Spirit to guide us along the way.

This blog offers my insights on my experiences as I travel my spiritual highway. It covers such topics as faith, hope, and love. Drawing on my personal experiences of living both with a developmental disability and mental illness, I hope that reading my posts will eliminate and also inspire.